
Thursday, July 7, 2011

I had this feeling, but I never knew it was you

Back 6 years ago, aku kenal dengan kau. First time aku tengok muka kau dalam henpau abang aku, I was like "aku kena kenal dengan mamat ni"-padahal he's just a plain guy. Aku suka sangat kau, tapi kau tak suka aku. But then, time tu kau tade perasaan-keje nak marah je. Sampai la satu tahap kita tak contact sebulan. Until then, kau cari aku. You missed me. But when you realize you love me, I started to get away from you.

I want you, but not you "you". Hahaha then the second time kau mintak couple, I was like-mana nak pilih, die ke R? How stupid I am to choose R -kalau tau teruk gile nak kena camtu. But then, I realized, if aku tak dengan R - camna aku nak tahan and kawal marah?, and you started to realize benda jadi bersebab. You started to change to someone sangat sabar. Dulu tak camtu.

Masa dengan R lagi, aku asyik compared kau dengan die. "kalau die, xda nak buat aku camni"- eventho kita dah 1 years lebeh tak contact time tu. Aku tau, nampak kejam aku layan R time tu camtu. But when, dah betul-betul terluka aku dah jadi malas and panas hahahaha. Aku tak tau kenapa, aku rasa kau jodoh aku (eventho tak tau la kan tade jodoh ke ape).

bila kau datang balik dalam hidop, aku cam hepi sangat. i need you. i need your shoulder. Bila aku cerita everything, you were like my hero- aku tau bertapa kau akan dihentam oleh beberapa manusia sebab act as perampas. I was down. People talked to you this and that way. But kau still ada. I know, people thought kita bercinta rite after aku putus. But hey, kita je tau. Hehehe

Aku hepi skang, walaupun kau tak romantik, tak reti pujok and etc. But you're the one who's left to love me. Hope so. Sekali kena tinggai , padan muka. Hahaha

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